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Why should you invest in a memory foam mattress?

Have you ever taken the plunge and bought a brand new mattress, just to find it has all the same issues that your old mattress had? If you have, then maybe it’s time to invest in a quality memory foam mattress.

You may have heard the words ‘memory foam’ in passing, but do you fully understand what it means and what it offers you? Compared to spring mattresses, memory foam mattresses have a lot of advantages that can help the overall quality of your sleep.

Still need convincing? Check out the points below, which explain why an investment in memory foam is a smart move for your sleep and health:


Stress Relief

Memory foam mattresses are specifically made in a way that moulds to and supports your body, making your night’s sleep exponentially better.

If you suffer from back pains, aches, or any other problems that affect your sleeping, then a Bedworld memory foam mattress may be the perfect choice for you. Supporting your entire body equally, it’s proven to be an excellent choice for anyone who suffers from pain that would be made worse by a firm mattress.



A big problem for conventional spring mattresses is the buildup of dust and bed bugs that can occur.

A lot of people suffer from allergies, which can get worse when they get into bed; this is because of the amount of dust that gets trapped within the springs/coils when the mattress is being used. From sneezing, itching and watery eyes, we understand this is not something you want to be dealing with when trying to get to sleep.

Rest assured, memory foam mattresses do not come with these problems as they do not have coils or springs.


Temperature Sensitive

Another great feature of memory foam mattresses is that they react to the temperature of the room you’re in.

Let us explain – in rooms at a lower temperature, the mattress would be firmer, making the brisk nights a little easier to deal with. In rooms at a higher temperature, the mattress would be softer and more elastic, allowing you to achieve comfort even in the warmest of climates.



To most people, being durable is the most important feature of a mattress. Nobody wants to buy a brand-new mattress only for it to last a few years.

Compared to other types of mattresses, memory foam has a long life span. Spring mattresses suffer due to the springs wearing out after long periods of use, meaning they don’t last as long as memory foam.

On average, memory foam mattresses have about a 7-year lifespan, which ranks relatively well in comparison to most other types.


So, what are you waiting for? Check out our amazing memory foam mattresses today!